We had the best time in Utah and Idaho visiting our kids and grandbabies!!! Our trip was filled with all the must dos, fun times, and of course all our favorite foods. What do you think of when you think about going on a trip? Do you picture going to your favorite restaurants? Maybe stopping at all the yummiest nostalgic food places that your family loves? We do too!!! And guess what, on our trip to visit our kids, we did just that. we went out to eat, we ate our favorite foods, and we enjoyed every moment of the trip! As you might know, I am obsessed with doughnuts. I am a little picky, or if you ask Mark I'm a lot a bit picky about doughnuts, but really, almost any donut is my biggest guilty pleasure. And let me be clear, I don't give up doughnuts while I'm dieting. Nope! I work them into my diet just like everything else I eat. This is at the heart of flexible dieting and counting your Macros, (macronutrients, ie. carbs, fats, and protein), and is the type of e...