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For the Loathe Errr, Ummmmm, I mean Love of Planks!

I have such a love hate relationship with planks! I wondered for years why they were always on the list of todos for my personal trainers and now that I'm a personal trainer, I get to be the bearer of bad ahem, I mean good news. The good news is that planks can be one of the best full body core strengthening, shoulder strengthening, mvp's of the game. So as much as we love to hate them or hate to love them, they are part of my fitness plans as well.  

I have only recently advanced from knee planks to elbow planks. After carrying 6 children on my 5 foot 1 1/2 inch frame, and not understanding the importance of core and stability, my back and core are so weak and it has taken me months to be able to do a plank without back strain. So my motto and the motto I now give to you is Form over fashion!!! It doesn’t matter how “cool” you look, if you aren’t ready for the exercise you will injure yourself and then set your progress back!

If you have a weak back please modify until you have strengthened your core enough to do more advanced moves.

We are in this for the long haul so let’s take it slow and steady for long term success!!!

Correct form for a plank.
1. Shoulders dropped and back
2. Elbows underneath shoulders
3. Engage core, hamstrings and glutes
4. Hold for 30-60 seconds and repeat 2-5 times.

You don’t need fancy equipment for this and it is a powerful full body exercise that will give you huge results!

Do planks before you hop in the shower a few times a week and in 4 weeks you will be amazed at your newfound core strength!

*If this exercise puts any strain on your back or pelvic floor in any way, if you have a new baby, or really weak core from having babies then there are better exercises for you to start with to build up your core and your pelvic floor before attempting the plank. We will go over those soon.

Make sure you sign up for our Healthy Eating Guide for busy women and keep watching because announcements and giveaways will be happening soon!!!

♥ Becky


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