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Year of Excellence

Do you have those periods of time where things start to slip? Times when you feel like as a family you aren't quite achieving your potential? Well, this was our family last school year. We were so hyper-focused on getting one child graduated and on a mission that I think all other priorities took a back seat. We suffered because of it, and so this school year we decided to make a change. I told my family that this year was going to be different. This year we were going to up our game and strive for a level higher. This year was going to be the year of excellence.

So, for family home evening we sat down together and held a family council, ie. a meeting where families talk together about something going on and what solutions we have to fix the issue. The issue this year was substandard efforts, and we were all at fault including Mom and Dad. I presented a plan for a Year of Excellence and asked the family what that meant to them. We made of list of goals, and a list of what we would do to achieve those goals.

This is what we decided upon:

Year of Excellence

  1. Do our homework - all of it!
  2. Do not procrastinate
  3. Ask for help and be willing to hear the answers
  4. Be teachable - Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
  5. Stay physically active by going to the gym
  6. Stay spiritually active by doing personal scripture study before homework

Setting Goals
Set goals
Focus on actions that move you towards goal
Make corrections as necessary

Mom will complete her real estate class by October

Dad will have the dissertation proposal done and ready for review in Sept 2015

Clairissa won’t give up.

Abigail will not talk as much in class

Jillian will do her best

Since August, when we first planned our year, we have checked in on each other to see how progress is coming. Honestly, sometimes it is a struggle, other times there is success.  I didn't make my goal of finishing my Real Estate Class (because we had to get our floors redone because of an insurance claim), but Dad finished his goal of having his dissertation proposal done. Clairissa is doing great with not giving up (with encouragement from family and friends for support), Abby is not talking as much in class (although that might be because of a palate expander that she now has in her mouth), and Jillian is doing her best (although she always does her best, so that was a really cute goal).   All in all, we are doing it; pushing ourselves a little bit harder and striving to be just a little bit better. I'm really proud of my family and their hard work.

Did any of you start school year goals? How is it going for you? Share your thoughts and inspire us! :D


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