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Why I do the things that I do...

I had a friend recently ask me why I hashtag #abishopswife on everything I post. I thought it was a really great question and one that probably deserved a public answer.

When my husband was called as bishop last November, I had a very strong prompting that I needed to blog about my experience as a bishop's wife and family. A month previous to the call my family went to the movie theater and saw the movie "Meet the Mormons". I love how the movie depicted very regular people doing everyday positive things. As I thought about my own prompting I felt that people needed to see that we were just that; Ordinary people, living everyday challenges.

It actually made me uncomfortable to put myself out there, I actually get nervous about people I don't know knowing about my private life. When my friend asked me why I hashtaged it made me worry that people who don't know me would think I am being pretentious about my husband's calling.  Let me assure you that this is not the case. I don't need any extra attention or drama in my life. I don't run around showing off and on the contrary, worry about people having the wrong impression of who I am. What I am more concerned about however, is doing what my Heavenly Father asks of me. If God wants me to do a blog, then I'll do a blog. The hashtag is a way to direct traffic to my blog number 1. Number 2, when I post to Instagram, I have it automatically update my Facebook account as well as my blog with the same post. This way, the hashtag directs traffic from three different sources.

So, I don't know if anyone is reading my blog, I don't know if anyone cares about my blog, but I do hope that you can see through my everyday actions that I love my Savior. I love being a disciple of Christ, and I love sharing the ups and downs of our life as we strive to be a little bit better.

I feel like Satan is striving right now to have people focus on putting their leaders on a pedestal so high that any mistake makes their leaders unworthy to lead. The Lord does not call perfect leaders, there was only one perfect leader; Our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. The Lord calls people who and flawed and human but who love Him and will follow him through all the good and bad and inbetween of their lives. We happen to be one of those families that are imperfect and doing the best we can to just be a little better every day. Sometimes we succeed, sometimes we don't. We do have a strong testimony of the mantle of the calling that my husband has been called to. I know the Lord had a specific plan for my husband and I sustain and support him as my bishop and leader. I'm thankful for an opportunity to learn and grow as he learns and grows in this new capacity as Bishop.

It's hard. Everyday there are challenges that we as a family and he as an individual face while we strive to do as the Lord asks in this capacity of bishop and bishop's family. Hopefully as you read my blog and see who I am, who my husband is, and who our family is, you will see that we aren't in this calling for any kind of accolades or popularity or social status, seriously, somebody else could have this because accolades aren't what you get for this calling. ;o) What do you get? Refinement, love for our Savior, and most certainly an increased capacity for love of our fellowman.


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