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An Eagle Scout and Baking Goodness...Red Velvet Cupcakes!

Someone recently told me a very interesting statistic; only 4 out of every 100 boy scouts become Eagles.  Andrew worked hard and got close (Life ranking) but his senior year was pretty crazy and ultimately he chose not to finish due to other responsibilities.

All the way up until mid-December, I thought that would be the case for Zach as well.  He got to the Life rank and then craziness hit. School was hard, senioritis was strong, and he had many more important things on his plate. Then, one day just after Christmas vacation, he awoke from multiple dreams about receiving his Eagle and knew God had a plan for him. He groaned, and submitted, and got to work. I have never seen my boy so driven in all of his life! Between his tireless efforts and the incredible efforts of his stake president, he completed 9 merit badges and an Eagle Scout Project in 2 weeks with 4 hours to spare before his deadline. 

Last night was the Court of Honor for Zach and 5 other boys. We had an incredible evening and it came together so beautifully due to the overabundance of talents of each of the parents involved.  I feel so blessed to have been a part of such a classy and well put together activity!!!

For the Eagle Court of Honor I was elected to make Cupcakes. I love serving, and I love baking so this was a great option for me! This time around, in honor of our patriotic theme for the court of honor, I chose to do Red Velvet Cupcakes. They not only looked great, and were red which matched the theme, but they are super easy to make. Bonus!!! If you would like to know how I make them go to and check out my recipe. :D 


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