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Super Mom? Super Wrong.

Sunday...the end of a very long and tedious week.  What do I do on Sunday? Nothing. I don't clean any dishes I use, I don't clean the house, I don't pick up after my family, I don't even cook 2 out of the three meals of the day. Don't be jealous though, Monday is my least favorite day of the week, in fact I might go as far as to say loathe. I loathe Mondays. I know I could do a relatively better job on Sunday of keeping up on the dishes, and making sure my kids keep up on their responsibilities but like the glutton for punishment that I am...I don't.

This last Monday morning as I finished up my second load of dishes in the dishwasher, folded all the family room blankets, and put my 3rd load of laundry in the washing machine I started pondering who I am compared to the women around me. Truthfully, I have been pondering my good and bad habits alike. I have decided that there are two huge faults that I have, a human frailty quirk, and much I still have to learn.

I am one of those "compare myself to other people" kind of people. I hate that I do it and can't seem to stop. This particular morning I was wondering why in the world I can't just get up from the couch Sunday evening and put the dishes in the dish washer.  Then of course my mind started thinking about the women that I know well that seem to have that part of their lives together, and then I wonder what in the world is wrong with me. Why can't I just focus on me, and why do I feel the need to bring myself down? I'm not sure but I don't like it and don't know what to change. See? Right there are my two huge faults; tear myself down and compare myself to others while building them up. Totally not fair to me or them...I get it.

Then, I thought about my health. I am tired all of the time.  I have had every known test to woman done, spent hundreds of dollars on blood tests, hormones, vitamins, cleansing diets, health food solutions, and exercise solutions all to come back to the same answer. There is none. By 2:30 in the afternoon I have hit a low so huge that I can't function. I pick up the kids, drive home on fumes, and collapse on the couch. I only sleep 10-20 min. out of guilt, but the slump lasts until about 6 or 7 and then I finally feel human enough again to start dinner. I am incredibly blessed to have a husband that is better at doing homework with kids and smarter than I at elementary school math ;o), so I luckily don't have to stress about the degradation of our children's education, but I do recognize that life could be so much smoother and less chaotic if mom wasn't emotionally absent for hours every afternoon.

I don't need to be lectured to stop comparing myself, I already get that it is detrimental. I do have goals and passions and expectations for myself though, and they are not being met as I struggle to function every day. On occasion I will have an afternoon that doesn't involve a slump. It is incredible! I get so much accomplished and feel so on top of the world, and feel jealous for those who have the energy to keep going every day. So what is the secret? Do you, my faithful followers have tricks for getting everything done while still keeping the sabbath day holy, and still feeling like you have gotten a break? Do you have afternoon lows that you have been able to conquer? Have you as women figured out how to be comfortable in your own skin? Let's get an awesome dialogue of success and happiness going! I would love to hear about your struggles and accomplishments, please post a comment and share with me!


Blogful said…
Love your blog. I have those tired days too and it is hard to recover. I try to get up super early and stay active so I go to bed early and get a good rest, but it doesn't always work. Plus...shh don't tell...I often say Sabbath ends at sunset so that I can clean up without guilt. Otherwise Monday knocks my socks off.
I think all woman compare themselves to others, but hey--hang in there. God knows your heart.
Not Supermom?? You are always so put together, and I constantly want to swipe your cute shoes and accessories, you always look so adorable. But I also love reading your blog, so REAL life. Women tend to compare. I do it ALL-THE-TIME! And to that my husband tells me "knock it off and relax, you will live longer!" So true!! Stress we add to ourselves. So if I understood the blog right.. you clean your kitchen every day BUT sunday?? That is awesome!! My kitchen .. I won't even say.. dishes are ALWAYS in my sink and I totally dislike it. But I go into denial and leave it alone till it is a total nightmare!! You are doing great!! You are a SUPER mom to me!!
Unknown said…
On Sunday before I go to sleep I do load dishes and clothes before I go to bed. While I am at home without hubby or kidos I do try to do something I would enjoy then commit to picking up and attacking possible long overdue project. I learned that some mom's may seem put together but there not. They have same off moment's too!
Unknown said…
On Sunday before I go to sleep I do load dishes and clothes before I go to bed. While I am at home without hubby or kidos I do try to do something I would enjoy then commit to picking up and attacking possible long overdue project. I learned that some mom's may seem put together but there not. They have same off moment's too!

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