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Baking Goodness...Lemon Cupcakes!

Just to talk about something on a more uplifting and happy note...I love baking! When time permits, and my energy level is up for it, ie. in the morning, and I have an event to cook for so that I don't eat all the goodies...I pull out my cookbook, or go to my favorite food blogs, and make a bit of delectibleness! Ok, I know that isn't a word, but it's how I feel about homemade, cooked from scratch baked goods. ;o)

I have baked cupcakes for wedding, funerals, birthdays, showers, and love gifts. I love bringing happiness to someone through food. Don't laugh, it's kind of silly but it's a way of serving, it's a way of connecting with people.

So, I'm going to give you one of my secrets for perfect cupcakes.  Are you ready? It's tricky...Don't overbake!!! It's the secret to all baked goods and I think the reason so many people complain about their baking.  Baking takes patience, exactness, and attention to detail. For all my Utah friends, it also takes more work. Higher elevation requires less rising agent, among other tricks that I will share with you some time. This particular recipe gave me fits in Utah and is easy-peasy in FL. Lucky me! :D If you want to follow the recipe and have some spring-like fresh lemon goodness follow this link.

As a side note; I am sending you, via the link above, to my cooking blog.  It doesn't look fancy right now, and yet it will soon enough. I have been keeping my own blog to house all of my recipes for quite a few years ago. My goal for this year is to translate all of the recipes into my own words with my own pictures and cooking tweaks. It is going to be a fun process for me and I started with Lemon Cupcakes because who can resist that?!?!


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