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I have been pondering something lately. My domestic side. I have an emotional roller coaster that I seem to go through. For a period of time I feel content with my purpose in life as a mother and wife, and then I get antsy. I look at my husbands accomplishments, and my lack of "finished" accomplishments ie. housewife things in the form of laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc. and I feel I have so little to show for 20 years. Then, I get the education bug. I go back to school for a period of time, overwhelm my family as I do my typical give it the best I've got perfectionism routine, and neglect the things I hold most dear. Here I am with my longest stint of schooling behind me and only 2 years left until I could graduate with my bachelors degree and I realize I have done it again. I have a great GPA to show for the past year but much that has suffered because of it.

I realized something the other day, motherhood and being a great wife is unpopular. By the world's standard motherhood and being a wife isn't enough anymore. I love watching old movies from the 50's. Quite frankly it has to do with the family values that tend to be portrayed. I love how women got dressed up for their husbands, or how the family dressed nice to sit down at the dinner table. I love watching how wives would dote on their husbands. I love how women were feminine. I love how there was routine. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all about equal share around the house. I am not a completely old fashioned girl...but maybe majority. With this being said, I wonder how I can get back to something in history that I love while incorporating the changes that happened in history out of need for change such as respect for women, and emphasis on teaching families responsibility instead of the wife killing herself while the rest of the family took advantage. I know there should be balance and I have decided to try to find it, thus my new outlook on life which I have titled the domestic experiment.

While on this subject of change I have figured out my first focus for change which is....drum roll please....Taking care of me. Sound silly? Maybe, but maybe not. Remember how I said that I love how women dressed up? I, more than just about anyone, loves, no let me be clear about this, LOVES a comfy pair of jeans. I think they can be (emphasis on the can) sexy. But that would be something saved for someone who could afford to buy a pair of jeans that actually fit. At 5ft 1in that is hard to come by. But, I also love looking classy. I would love to be the woman that wears dresses at least half the week. Why? Because it looks so nice and let's just say it again...feminine. I realized today that I live my life like I saw it in my mother. Now let me just say that I had an amazing mother!!! But, my dad worked out of town all week and was only home on the weekend. My mom had nobody to get dressed up for. I tend to do as I saw, and that is stay in my pj's all day because I'm cleaning my house. Or, I put on grubby clothes because I'm not going anywhere. Pretty sure my husband would love to see me dressed up and looking nicer more than just on Sunday or when I am going to the DMV to renew my driver's license. I'm also pretty sure that I would feel better about me in general if I took the time to take care of me.

So, there is more to say on this subject but for now I'm going to leave it at this. I'm going to personally bring back being domestic as something to be proud of. My purpose? To be an amazing wife and mother. The Lord has given me such an amazing gift in being a wife and mother. I want to celebrate it. Being domestic is cool! It is what I wanted from the time I was just a little girl watching my own mother. It is enough to want to be the best wife and mother I can be. Yes, education is important, and I don't plan on giving that up, I just need to put my priorities in the right place and it starts today. Here is an alcohol free toast to looking at domestic as being a privilege and not a chore.


I love this Becky...and I agree whole heartedly. I think a lot more family and homes would be happier if we went in for the good things from the 50s. I also think a lot of woman focus on being great mothers, but neglect being a great wife--which I think is so so important. Thanks for the great post!
Unknown said…
Agreed! Some of my friends here think it so strange that I can't wait to be a stay at home Mom again. Its just so important!

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