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I Do Have Other Children, I Promise.

I was looking at my blog today and noticed that all my posts have been about Rachael lately. Ok, so do you think I have a little issue of her leaving the nest on the brain?

My other kids have been wonderful too. Jill is showing her independence with vigor lately. I have been up much too late working on homework, getting the house in order, and supervising lovebirds. So, since Jill was still asleep after the kids left this morning, I decided to go back to sleep for awhile too. I woke up about an hour later and Jill, who had been awake for a little bit, informed me that she was hungry so she got her own breakfast. She ate some cereal in a bowl that she got down by herself but she didn't have any milk. She said it as such a matter of fact, that she reminded me of the little girl from the revised Miracle on 34th Street. You know the girl, the one who talks like she is 24 instead of 4? Well that is my Jill to a T.

School is coming to a close and I am darn excited. I love it when my children are home and we don't have daily responsibilities looming over our heads. We play a lot of games, talk a lot, and of course sleep! The only draw back to all this fun is poor Mark who has to work every morning. I do feel for him and wish he was partying with us.

With school ending comes of course Rachael's graduation tomorrow. We have family flying in as I write this and we couldn't be more excited. Then with the party on Friday we are going to be starting off this new adventure of Rachael's with a bang! I really am excited for her she has so much fun ahead!


Dione said…
Ha ha ha, I so know where you're coming from. I remember when my life was mostly about McKenna. Lately it's all about Noel. They'll each get their turn. Only, just like the baby books, we probably won't be blogging by the time our babies are graduating. However, they'll be the most spoiled. They always are!

Don't let this deter you from blogging about Rachael's graduation and party, etc! I'm dying to see and hear about it.

Besides, I'm sure with the summer here someone's gonna bust a lip and need stitches or something - then you can blog all about them!

You see, it all comes out in the wash!

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